Why I love the way C++ sucks

Foreword: This is my first "blog post"-thing. I hope it's half as interesting as it was fun for me to write it.
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Part 1: Of languages and taste

Youtube has recently started recommending me some "programming/it" content, and it's been interesting. One of the more personally interesting things I noticed, was the bad reputation of C++.

In the back of my head I have known for a long time that C++ is considered "bad" and/or "confusing" by big segments of the developer community, but this never coincided with my own expericence.
Having started with managed, garbage collected languages (Java, C#), it took some adjustment to learn to manage my own memory (and it's not like I've completely figured it out, even now), but once that barrier was surpassed, C++ felt not simply 'fine', but dare I say very fun to write! (I will explain myself later on this point)
So I was left a bit dumbfounded at my renewd exposure to the wider web's opinion of C++, and refusing to chuck it to "skill issues" on the part of the majority of the development community, I remained conflicted.

Part 2: An apparent 'Foot-Gun'

It was with this weird feeling in the back of my head for a few days, when writing some personal C++ code, I had a bit of an 'epiphany'. I thought I had found something to reconcile my love for C++, and everyone else's distaste for it.
The code in question (distilled as a standalone example) goes as such:

#include <iostream>

class Parent {
    virtual int test() {
        return 0;

//'Child' inherits from 'Parent' (duh)
class Child : public Parent {
    int test() override {
        return 1;

void print(Parent& p) {
    p = Parent();

    //For the uninitiated, 'std::cout' prints to standard output
    std::cout << "Val: " << p.test() << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Child c;

    return 0;

I showed this example to a few of my friends/colleagues, and my dad (a now retired programmer, from the 'good old days') for good measure. None of them C++ experts, most of them got it wrong. If you feel like it, take your time to think about what this code will output.

I'll wait.
Here's the output of the above program:

Val: 1

Part 3: What's in an '='

So what's going on here?

If you're like my friends or my dad, you are confused at the p = Parent(); line. Aren't we assigning a newly created 'Parent' to 'p'?

Yes, but mostly no. From cppreference.com, "A copy assignment operator [...] copies the content of the argument [...]" (emphasis mine).

So what we're actually 'assigning' is a copy of the content of the newly created 'Parent' into 'p', but the type of 'p' itself doesn't change, therefore when it comes to resolving a virtual method (a method that can be overridden by child classes), the Child's 'test()' method is called.

This would be different if we were dealing with pointers (audience gasp!), which is what most higher level languages use under the hood for 'objects'. In that case, we would *actually* be swapping objects, type and all, instead of just content.

Part 4: I understand, but WHY?!?

Well, because C++ is AWESOME (IMO). There are cases, be it encapsualtion, performance or just readability of code, where changing the type of an object is undesirable, but copying the object's contents makes sense.

In C++ we can also overload this 'copy assignment operator', to give it exactly the meaning that we want. Imagine for example a class that holds some reference to an external system. When you copy that class, should the refence be copied as-is? Should the underlying system for that reference give us a copy? In C++, you can choose.
This is the why, but I did not meant it as an 'excuse' for the confusion this syntax causes.
In fact it's even worse.
In some cases, the same '=' sign can be a 'move assignment operator', where the contents are moved from the source to the target of the assignment, instead of copied.
And yet I find the amount of behaviour that can fit these C++ idioms (copy-assignment is only one of these) a great positive that outweighs the negatives of it's syntax. Not only is describing a type (which is what I do most of the time as a programmer) MORE FUN in C++ than other languages I know, the standard library (and other libraries) take advantage of these idioms to encapsulate their behaviour beautifully.
Is this all "type masturbation"? Am I writing crazy unreadable code that not even I will uderstand in the future? Honestly, I don't know. Nobody has looked at my C++ code for work, and I can wrap my head around my types in old projects fine, but I have never worked for a large company or a large project, so this may be cause of concern and horror for future employers.
But whatever, I LOVE IT! IT'S REALLY FUN! Figuring out the most descriptive and therefore efficient way to do something is really satisfying for me, and even if you don't agree, I hope now you understand a bit more why some of us really like this language.